– Links and Things – Useful Data Sources & Resource

Did you know? Longford has some 5,255 hectares of lake surface and 1,500 km of river channel.

An excellent guide for communities thinking about Environmental Projects: http://louthppn.ie/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Water-and-Biodiversity-A-Community-Guide.pdf.
and check out the Community Water Development Fund 2020 grant awards from the Local Authority Waters Programme

EPA Biological River Monitoring Results: https://epaawebapp.epa.ie/QValue/webusers/
(select 26 Upper Shannon results)

For detailed local surface waters and groundwater information: www.catchments.ie

For Water Quality Data: https://www.catchments.ie/data/

For Catchment Stories – newsletters and lots of local community actions: https://www.catchments.ie/stories/

For more detailed Science:

An overview of issues in the Upper Shannon Catchment for cycle 2 of the Water Framework Directive including Priority Action Areas

For Fisheries Information: Inland Fisheries Ireland: https://www.fisheriesireland.ie

For Biodiversity Recording and Maps: http://www.biodiversityireland.ie/record-biodiversity/

For Reporting of Pollution – the See It? Say It! App: http://www.epa.ie/enforcement/report/

For the Geology of Ireland – Geological Survey of Ireland: www.gsi.ie. This includes a very detailed groundwater section.

For Drinking Water Quality: http://www.epa.ie/water/dw/

For Information on Septic Tanks: http://www.epa.ie/pubs/advice/water/wastewater/

For a Great Range of Environmental Maps: EPA Maps

For tons of information on our peat bogs and wetlands: Irish Peatland Conservation Council – ipcc.ie

And for details of Longford Bogs in particular the Ardagullion SAC check out: http://raisedbogs.ie/tag/longford-bogs/

For Invasive Species identification and control Invasive Species Ireland: https://invasivespeciesireland.com/

How to make a biodiversity plan: http://www.noticenature.ie/Biodiversity_Action_Plans.html

The Climate Ireland website has a huge range of projects dealing with climate change. It explains climate change and has information on how to adapt to it over a wide range of sectors.