On the 18th June 2021 we visited a number of sites with potential for developing water-related projects. First was Lanesboro where we examined the section of river at the discharge point of the now closed Lanesboro power station.

We took a trip on the Lough Ree Access for All boat to an island on Lough Ree with potential for disabled angling.

We visited Lough Rinn, which though is outside of Longford has an important adverse impact on water quality in Longford. A number of options were discussed aimed at pinpointing the precise problem – the lake has very high phosphorus levels and ongoing algal blooms. If the lake stratifies in the summer months the possibility is that the lake sediment is recirculating phosphorus due to low oxygen levels. This means that even when the historical pollution source is dealt with there could be a positive feedback loop producing algal blooms leading in turn to low oxygen values in the water and thus releasing more phosphorus from the sediment.

Finally we paid a visit to the Camlin Quarter in Longford Town. A major Camlin Quarter Regeneration project has been funded with huge potential along the Camlin River corridor & the town park. The old mill race and weir may be posing a barrier to fish passage.